1. “Please remain seated for the entire performance.”
2. “Warning: Objects in mirror are more exhausted than they appear.”
3. “Wash your hands, you filthy animal!”

4. “This bathroom is for fancy business only. No funny business allowed.”
5. “Be a bathroom superhero: Flush and save the day!”
6. “Did you know that bathroom breaks are scientifically proven to boost productivity?”
7. “Keep calm and wash your hands.”
8. “Remember, no selfies in the bathroom. Your followers can wait.”
9. “The bathroom: where men become poets and women touch up their lipstick.”
10. “Caution: Blowing kisses may cause excessive mirror fogging.”
11. “Be careful, the bathroom floor can be slippery when wet. Surfing is strictly prohibited.”
12. “This bathroom has been equipped with state-of-the-art toilet paper technology. Use it wisely.”
13. “Toilet paper: the unsung hero of the bathroom.”
14. “If this bathroom is rocking, don’t come a-knocking.”
15. “Welcome to our little piece of paradise. Please, no lifeguard on duty.”
16. “Wash your hands like you just discovered a hidden treasure map.”
17. “The best ideas come to me while sitting on the throne. It’s my ‘think tank’.”
18. “Beware of the monster lurking beneath the toilet seat. It’s called the ‘toilet paper monster’.”
19. “In this bathroom, we aim to please. You aim, too, please.”
20. “I don’t always go to the bathroom, but when I do, it’s epic.”
21. “Attention: The bathroom is for customer use only. All trespassing ducks will be quacked down upon.”
22. “The bathroom: where even the loudest noises can be silenced by a well-placed flush.”
23. “May your bathroom visits be swift and your toilet paper never run out.”